Welcome to Sharon Church

Thanks for taking the time to visit us online. Below, you will find information that will help you answer any questions you may have. If you do not find the answer to the question you may have, please contact us. We would love to visit with you. 


Our Doctrine:

In theology and practice Sharon Missionary Baptist Church is a local New Testament Church; an explanation of our doctrine can be found in the “our beliefs” section.

Our Affiliation:

While we are an independent, local body, we do affiliate ourselves on the state level with the Arkansas State Association of Missionary Baptist Churches and on a national level the American Baptist Association.

Our Priority:

As a body, we gather to lift up the name of our Risen Savior, Jesus Christ in worship. We do this through three avenues: communing with God through Prayer, Praising Him through song, and the Preaching of God’s Word.

Our Focus:

We focus our ministries around one simple, yet, profound truth, the advancement of the kingdom of God. We recognize that before Jesus ascended back to the Father He spent His time teaching about the Kingdom. Therefore, our focus is discipling believers to advance the Kingdom where God has them, the workplace, school, or at the ballpark.