I'm New Here

We want you to feel welcome here at Sharon. Everyone wants to know what to expect when visiting a new church. Hopefully this list of FAQs will help you. If you want to know more, please contact the church office or visit our Facebook page to plan you visit.


What time do services begin?

Currently we offer two in-person services and one online experience on Facebook. Our first service begins at 9am followed by a second service at 10:30am that is streamed on Facebook for those who cannot attend in person. 

What do I wear?

As far as dress is concerned, we just want you to be comfortable. You will find everything from overalls to suits and anything in between.

Where is the visitor parking located?

The visitor parking is located on the south side of our campus, directly across Shenandoah Drive. If you are coming from Congo Road, it will be the first parking lot on your left. Visitor spots are marked with metal signs that read “Visitor Parking”.

How would Sharon describes its worship style?

At Sharon Missionary Baptist Church, we recognize that people enjoy all types of praise and worship music. Therefore, we can describe our worship style as blended.

Does Sharon have children’s church?

Currently during this time of Covid-19, we do not offer a children's church. There is a self-care room available for you to use at your discretion.

Does Sharon do background checks for all those in Children’s Ministry?

Your children’s safety is of the utmost importance. Therefore, we want you to know that Sharon Missionary Baptist Church does perform background checks for all volunteers working in the children’s ministry.